Thursday, December 26, 2019

Addressing The Issue Of Test Anxiety With School Students...

Addressing the issue of test anxiety with school students is crucial. Test anxiety is defined as feelings of tension and anxiety that interfere with the ability to communicate what one knows in a test situation. It can lead to school failure, poor self-esteem, and stress related physical ailments. Although it is natural to experience some degree of distress while being evaluated, some students previous negative experiences greatly effect their reaction to a testing experience. With the increase of testing in our schools, school counselors need to recognize the role test anxiety plays in student performance and help to implement effective strategies to assist students. It seems possible to do this through cognitive and theory, which will be discussed later in this paper. There are many effective strategies that teachers can implement to assist test anxious students. Teachers can employ formative factors, habitual prudence, purposeful learning experiences, and test-wise guidelines. A scertaining test anxiety involves becoming more aware of the types of students with test anxiety so that they can develop, modify, and implement new repertoires in their assessment procedures. Using more formative factors in their assessment procedures lessens anxiety levels and enhances the instructional process. Finally, when teachers provide purposeful learning experiences and test-wise guidelines students are able to obtain maximum performance. Relaxation techniques and systematicShow MoreRelatedPsychology And Therapy For Children With Externalizing And Anxiety Issues916 Words   |  4 Pagesworking with children with externalizing and anxiety issues in general, many of them do not investigate this kind of play therapy. In fact, 40% of the studies in this paper are the first of their kind. Having studies that are the first of their kind tell us that this is a growing field, and more research needs to be done to increase the credibility of this therapy. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Immigration Problem Of The United States - 1429 Words

The Solution to Our Immigration Problem: Expedite the Process The United States of America is facing a huge dilemma. This is the current immigration process and legalization of illegal migrants. It seems like nowadays immigration is all we hear about and how it is the only policy on which our population cares about. Which is sensible, because of all the refugees coming into America seeking asylum from their war torn countries. America has always been a glittering beacon to immigrants in foreign countries who want to better themselves and live out the American dream. Knowing when they come over here they are not made legal automatically. They also have to face the stigma and prejudice of being an immigrant. Many Americans believe illegal immigrants come to the United States just to abuse the system and take jobs away from the citizens. Little do they know the application fee to come a permanent citizen is way over-priced. Also, the wait time for spouses to be legalized is too long. The time has come for our politicians to step up to the plate and get our immigration problem fixed. To make the process of becoming a naturalized citizen easier and seamless. We need to lower the cost of applications, expedite the time it takes for a spouse to be naturalized, and lower the amount of temporary visas given out. If these steps are taken our immigration system will be vastly upgraded. Did you know one of the big reasons as to why most illegal immigrants are not becomingShow MoreRelatedIllegal Immigration Is A Problem For The United States1361 Words   |  6 PagesIllegal immigration has been a problem for the United States for a long time. This is not a new phenomenon and thousands of illegal immigrants have come into US through either the Mexico border, the Pacific Ocean, or through many other ways. Some people entered in country legally through a visit visa, but then have stayed illegally and are working in various places. 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Illegal immigration has been in the headlines for the last ten years and will forever plague the United States of America. New immigration policy such as the â€Å"Priority Enforcement Program† was implemented in 2015, and programs like these are one of the main topics up for debate in the upcoming election. Over seventy-five percent of people deported back to

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

lord of files Essay Example For Students

lord of files Essay Freedom: Lack of RestrictionsThis is our island. It is a good island until the grownups come to fetch us well have fun (Golding 35). The lack of restrictions on the island in Lord of the Flies affected the way the boys acted on a day-to-day basis. The lack of leadership and the failure to cooperate caused the boys to split, and rebel against each other. Without restrictions, the boys ruled themselves and answered to no one, except those they were loyal to or feared. The boys found out that no one is really in control and they can do what they wish, although they may face consequences for it. There is a lack of restrictions on the island and the boys have freedom to do what they want. This is shown by their lack of caring for each other and the tasks that they are assigned. The boys on the island tried to work together at first, but that failed because of a lack of strong leadership and irresponsibility among the children. You remember the meeting? How everyone was going to work hard until the shelters were finished? said Ralph, the boy trying to keep order on the island (Golding 50). The above quote demonstrates that the boys do what they please; they truly listen to no one and choose their own paths. The lack of restrictions causes the boys to slack off, even knowing that there are no immediate repercussions for their actions. No grownups! cried one of the boys (Golding 8). This comment shows that the boys are free, and no one is there to tell them what to do. They faced each other on the bright beach, astonished at the rub of feeling. From beyond the platform came the shouting of the hunters in the swimming pool. On the end of theplatform, Piggy was lying flat, looking down into the brilliant water (Golding 54). After the boys realized that they had no one to tell them what to do, they took advantage of the situation. Because of this, the boys accomplished little. The boys failed at their assigned tasks because no one is there to tell them what to do, and they have no restrictions. You didnt ought to have let that fire out. You said youd keep the smoke going said Piggy, after becoming frustrated at the younger boys. The boys on the island had no sense of responsibility. If a task was assigned, they would fail at it, do it poorly, or not do it at all. They do this because there is no one to tell them what to do, and they have nothing stopping them from doing what they please. As shown in the book, there is a lack of restrictions on the island and the boys have freedom to do what they want. They ultimately choose their own fate on the island, and decide what will become of them. With no rules or regulations in place, the boys do what they want without fear of repercussion. The lack of restrictions on the island allows the boys to do what they please, but the boys realize they have to work together to survive.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Stagecoach Essays - English-language Films, Films, Stagecoach, Ringo

Stagecoach An Interpretation of 'Stagecoach' In 1939 John Ford masterminded a classical western film by the name of Stagecoach. This film has the integrity of a fine work of art. Being that it could be considered a work of art, the impression left on a viewing audience could differ relying on the audience's demographics. However, it is conceivable to all audiences that Ford delivers a cast of characters that are built on stereotypes and perceptions conjured from 'B' westerns that preceded this film's time. Each character is introduced to the audience in a stereotypical genre, as the film progresses, these stereotypes are broken down and the characters become more humanized. This is apparent with a handful of characters being portrayed better than others. One can investigate each individual character to correlate such a pattern. The characters are, in no particular order: Curly, Hatfield, Gatewood, Peacock, the stagecoach driver, Dallas, Lady Mallory, and of course Ringo. Robert Slotkin writes in Gunfighter nation, . . . by 1890 it was clear that the industrialization of the economy had produced a social order in which wealth and power would increasingly be concentrated in the hands of relatively few men . . . (p 31). It was this social order that influenced iconography of many 'B' westerns. Such iconography would create the ideal of the crooked banker, or the shoot em' up outlaw and even a brothel prostitute, all of which are found in Ford's Stagecoach. The social classes that each character can generally be categorized as an upper, middle and lower class. In Stagecoach the upper class is composed of Gatewood and Lady Mallory. Gatewood is first introduced as a stern and modest character and part remains to be for most of the film. He exemplifies the 'B' western icon of the crooked banker in every manner. His crooked behavior is not revealed until the end of the film climaxing at his arrest as the stagecoach reaches town. His actions are arrogant and always in line with a financial mind set. His main focus was bag full of money, nothing else. Even as the stagecoach was under siege by the savage Indians, the audience could catch a glimpse of Gatewood clasping his bag rather than brandishing a firearm. Gatewood's character is one of those that does not stray from the 'B' side icon. He is clearly plays the stereotype of the financial trusts that fueled the industry of the time. Lady Mallory,also in the category of upper class is really of little significance in the plot of this movie. Her only claim to such an elite profile is her husband, who belongs to the US Calvary. Her iconography is that of upper class women, nothing more really. She longs for her husband, she too is arrogant to some degree, and she is despised of things subordinate to her nature. She is revolted Dallas who is portrayed as a prostitute. She could not even bear to share a meal at the same table with someone of Dallas's social standing. It is only after the birth of her child that she breaks away from her stereotype. She realizes the aid and care that she received from Dallas with her newborn and soon after begins to socially accept Dallas. This is not the last one will see of a character breaking their stereotypical role. This brings us to the characters that compose the middle class. These characters are: Curly, Hatfield, Doc Boone and Peacock. The roles of these characters are not built and manifested throughout the film. For instance, Curly is introduced as the sheriff out to imprison the Ringo kid. This is in line with the 'B' men of the justice of the peace. His major concern is to see that the laws of the land are upheld. He deviates from this role at the very end of this film by letting the Ringo kid go. Clearly this is an action that is not in line with his law keeping duty. Hatfield, a southern gambler, is really a unique character. Most 'B' western icons depicted as gamblers are usually shown as hard and emotionless. Hatfield is far from this. In fact he never did fit his stereotype from the