Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Postal Codes in Canada Information

Postal Codes in Canada Information In Canada, postal codes are used as part of every mailing address. They are designed to help Canada Post, the Canadian Crown corporation which provides postal services in Canada, sort mail efficiently and accurately, whether its done mechanically or by hand. Note: postal code is an official mark (OM) of Canada Post Corporation. Look up Postal Codes for CanadaLook up postal codes for street addresses and rural addresses, or find a range of addresses for a postal code. Postal code locator tool from Canada Post. Find an Address for a Postal Code in CanadaFormerly called Reverse Search, Canada Post helps you find full address information for a postal code you enter in this tool. The Format of a Canadian Postal Code A Canadian postal code has six alphanumeric characters. There is a single space after the first three characters. Example: ANA NANwhere A is a capital letter of the alphabet and N is a number. The first character in a postal code represents the province, or part of a province, or territory. The first set of three characters is the Forward Sortation Area or FSA. It provides the basic geographic sorting for mail. The second set of characters is the Local Delivery Unit or LDU. It could indicate a small rural community or in urban areas a location as specific as an individual building. The Canadian Postal Code in an Address Label In address labels, postal codes should be placed on the same line of the address as the name of the municipality and abbreviation of province or territory. The postal code should be separated from the province abbreviation by two spaces. Example:NAME OF MEMBER OF PARLIAMENTHOUSE OF COMMONSOTTAWA ON K1A 0A6CANADA(Note: Canada is not required for domestic mail) Handy Uses of Postal Codes As well as making the sorting and delivery of mail more efficient, postal codes are used for a variety of other purposes in Canada - in marketing for instance. There are many ways for postal codes to be helpful in day to day life. For example: Use a postal code to find the nearest postal outlet.Find your federal riding and member of parliament.Find a Service Canada office near you to access information on federal government programs.The Web sites of major stores in Canada provide store locators to find the nearest outlet using a postal code.Most Canadian banks also have  online tools that use postal codes to find the nearest bank branches and ATMs and bank machines. Did You Know? Here are a few little-known facts about Canadian postal codes. The Canadian postal code was first introduced in Ottawa, Canadas capital, in 1971. For other significant milestones in the development of postal services in Canada, see The Chronology of Canadian Postal History (since 1506) from the Museum of Canadian History.In 2011, there were approximately 834,000 postal codes in Canada, according to Statistics Canada.Santa Claus has his very own postal code. See Write to Santa.All members of parliament have the same postal code - K1A 0A6. International Postal Codes Other countries have similar postal code systems. In the United States, ZIP codes are used. In the United Kingdom, they are called postcodes.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How To Specify Durations of Time in Spanish Sentences

How To Specify Durations of Time in Spanish Sentences Spanish has several ways of describing how long an event or activity occurs. Which you use depends partly on whether the activity is still in progress, and in some cases on whether youre talking about a long or short time period. The most common way of describing the length of time of an activity in progress is using the verb llevar. Note the use of the present tense in these examples even though the English uses a present perfect or present perfect progressive verb. El bloguero ya lleva un aà ±o encarcelado. The blogger has already been incarcerated for a year. El cantante lleva cinco aà ±os esperando para grabar bachata con el ex Beatle. The singer has been waiting for five years to record bachata with the former Beatle. Mi hijo de dos aà ±os lleva un mes con mucosidad y tos. My 2-year-old son has had a runny nose and cough for a month. La mujer lleva cinco semanas en huelga de hambre. The woman has been on a hunger strike for five weeks. Nuestro paà ­s lleva muchos aà ±os en proceso de deterioro. Our country has been deteriorating for many years. You may be tempted to use the preposition para, usually translated as for, in sentences like the above, but its use is limited to being part of a phrase that acts like an adjective, especially one that refers to how long something lasts or is used. Las ensaladas son las mejores opciones para un dà ­a de piscina. Salads are the best choices for a day at the pool. Tenemos una dieta completa para una semana. We have a complete diet for a week. Los Cavaliers han llegado a un acuerdo para dos aà ±os con el atleta. The Cavaliers have reached a two-year agreement with the athlete. The construction hacer time period que can be used much like llevar above in translating sentences using ago. The verb following que is in the present tense if the action is continuing to now: Hace tres aà ±os que juega para los Piratas de Campeche. He has been playing for three years for the Campeche Pirates. Hace dos horas que estoy sentada en mi cama. I have been seated on my bed for two hours.  ¡Hace una semana que no fumo! I havent smoked for a week! If the event no longer continues, the verb following que is usually in the preterite: Hace un aà ±o que fui a mi primer concierto. A year ago I went to my first concert. Hace un minuto que estuviste triste. You were sad a minute ago. Hace pocos meses que Imagine Dragons pasaron por Argentina. A few months ago Imagine Dragons passed through Argentina. Just as para has limited use with durations of time, so does por. Por is almost always used with brief periods of time or to suggest that the period of time might be less than expected: La economà ­a est pasando por un momento de transicià ³n. The economy is passing through a moment of transition. Creà ­ por un segundo que me amabas. For a second I thought you loved me. Precalienta el plato en un horno microondas por solo un minuto. Preheat the plate in a microwave oven for just a minute.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Breast Cancer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Breast Cancer - Essay Example There can be some environmental causes too such as â€Å"women who received  radiation therapy  to the upper body for treatment of  Hodgkin disease  before 30 years of age have a significantly higher rate of breast cancer than the general population† (WebMD Inc., 2009). 1) Genes can be defective in some individuals. Genes which are more prone to cancer are BRCA1 and BRCA2. Naturally, these are â€Å"tumor suppressor genes† (American Cancer Society, 2009) because they produce proteins that hinder the growth of cancerous cells, but when they get mutated, they cause the development of cancer. Thus, if a person inherits defective genes from his parents, he is more likely to develop breast cancer. Also, if one has a relative who has cancer of any sort, even then he may be prone to this disease. 2) Growing age is also a risk factor. Older individuals are more prone to this disease. 3) Gender also matters, that is, women have more risk of developing this disease than men. Plant (2000) states that one out of nine women in the United States will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. 3) Corpulence or obesity also plays a role in the development of breast cancer as fat women tend to produce larger quantity of estrogen hormone which, as stated above, increases the risk of breast cancer. 6) Birth control pills are also found to increase the risk of breast cancer to some extent. 7) Lack of exercise is also a big risk factor as properly scheduled exercise hinders the growth of breast cancer. According to Slowick (2009), â€Å"a womans exposure to estrogen is lowered by exercise, which affects the menstrual cycle and can inhibit  ovulation†. The more a woman ovulates, the greater is the risk of breast cancer. Breast cancer does not have very specific causes but one must keep in mind the risk factors involved and must try to limit those which are under his control. Early stage breast cancer has no significant symptoms so it is very important to

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Ethics - Essay Example Those who are in the favor of the kind of happiness recognized by Aristotle believe that happiness is an objective element and not a subjective one and to recognized whether one is happy or not requires inquiry and not only introspection. Body The feeling of happiness does not last for a longer period of time. Certain times an individual experiences higher level of happiness as compared to other times and it is undoubtedly a fact that an individual might experience state of happiness at one moment and might even face unhappiness at the other moment. According to Bentham an individual gives more importance to events of happiness that lasts for a longer period of time (Pojman 122). Aristotle claims that stability is very important for one to be happy and the identification of whether an individual is happy or not can only be judged over an extended period of time (Pojman 305). According to a conventional tradition a person was said to be happy if he is really happy throughout his life. Happiness is desired by every one and everybody wants to experience it throughout their lives but individuals experience various events throughout their lives and they may at a certain point in time loose their feeling of happiness. ... Different philosophers may agree about both the events but they link happiness and actions in different ways. The followers of Bentham and those who support his view focus on benefits and believe that benefits provide satisfaction and they focus on the methods through which benefits can be obtained (Pojman 123). Those who follow the philosophy of Aristotle focus on an individuals desire to obtain a good life. Every philosopher is in agreement that happiness is the motive due to which individuals are promoted to conduct any action, but certain believe that it is the ultimate goal and certain believe that it is not necessarily an ultimate goal that individuals want to achieve. Every individual is in the pursuit of achieving happiness, certain philosophers believe that certain factors such as health and wellbeing are necessary to achieve happiness but individuals may experience lack of these factors due to their own fault and fault of others. An individual’s well being comprises of three main elements, these include benefits, satisfaction and pride. Satisfaction itself is a form of happiness, it can not be referred to as a feeling or believe but according to utilitarian it is one of the major elements of attaining wellbeing. If contentment is to be realized as an element of wellbeing, it needs to last for a longer period of time and not just for a few moments or a small period of time. Benefits are even recognized as an element of wellbeing, benefits refers to the satisfaction of the needs of food, drink, shelter and clothes which results in the flourishing state of an individual. Welfare can be of two kinds, psychological welfare and material

Sunday, November 17, 2019

United States Navy Essay Example for Free

United States Navy Essay The United States Navy, a branch of the United States armed forces are dedicated in serving the nation and ensuring the safety of its citizens by guarding the nation from its enemies that may come through bodies of water or by seas. In order to do so, it is important for the USN to have a large number of marines which is one of the goals of the navy, to produce strong naval forces. There are over 335,000 personnel of the navy today operating about 280 ships. Not only is the navy strong because of its number but also because of the hard training given to every marine. For this reason, USN marines are known not only for their skills in battle but also for their discipline which is a very important and admirable characteristic of the USN. The USN ensures that their personnel are disciplined enough and went through rigorous training in every aspect of their personality, not only physically but mentally as well. Another important factor in becoming a USN marine is to have the passion and desire to serve the nation and the people of the State. USN marines are willing to sacrifice even their own lives in order to ensure peace and safety in the community that they are serving. Because of this great commitment and sacrifice that the marines are offering to the country, it can be said that there is a lot of benefits that one could get by being a member of the US navy. The Navy it self are responsible and really does take care of its sailors. It ensures that the sailors are in good condition especially when it comes to physical health by giving medical and many other benefits to its sailors. In order to become a sailor of the USN, there are a lot of things required. The very first thing that is needed is to be a citizen of the state. However, there are rules that can be followed for those who are non US citizens. A non-US citizen can be a member of the USN provided that he or she is legally residing in the United States. Also, it is a requirement that the individual has a â€Å"Green Card†. Other qualifications for US citizens must also be met such as being between 17 to 35 years of age and must meet the standard of the Navy when it comes to moral, mental and physical standard. Another important consideration is that the person must be able to read, write and speak English fluently. The Navy it self makes it sure that the requirements and their standard for accepting applicants are met. There maybe several qualifications that are needed in becoming a navy, however these requirements are to make sure that their personnel are able to protect the country and its citizens together with their interest. It can also be said that the US Navy is professional when it comes to applicants. The commitment and discipline can also be seen. When it comes to privacy, the Navy is really strict in enforcing their rules and ensuring that their personnel keep their privacy guidelines. One of the most important questions that must be addressed is the reason for wanting to be a member of the USN. The Navy also ensures that questions given to the applicant are necessary and proper. This is also a way of showing the integrity and disciplined of our Marines. This is also another distinction of the US Navy with many companies around the world. Their professionalism is maintained together with their dignity and discipline in whatever they do. It is rest assured that every question asked to an applicant is important and necessary in the field and for the evaluation of the application. Some may find the agreement to be somehow demanding when it comes to rendering service to the nation; however this is really important in becoming a member of a well disciplined and respected group. Marines are selfless in a sense since their main priority is not their own lives and sake but rather the sale of the people and of the nation as a whole. They are willing to sacrifice their own interest and lives as well to protect the people and their interest. There are really so many admirable features of the US Navy marines, their loyalty and respect for the country together with their dedication and persistence on their service to the nation. It is also a characteristic of the USN to excel in many things especially when it comes to discipline and faithfulness. Truly, the United States Navy deserves our full support and respect. Works Cited Citysearch. U. S. marine corporation. 2008. 21 January 2008 http://seattle. citysearch. com/profile/34967185/seattle_wa/us_marine_corporation. hm l Corbett, Sara. `The Womens War. ` The New York Times (March 18, 2007). January 21, 2008 http://www. nytimes. com/2007/03/18/magazine/18cover. html. Navy. Navy benefits. (no date). 21 January 2008 http://www. navy. com/sitemap/ United States Marine Corporation. Marines. 2008. 21 January 2008 http://www. marines. com/page/usmc. jsp? pageId=/forms/processLead. doflashRedirect =true

Friday, November 15, 2019

James H. Cones The Spirituals and the Blues Essay -- Book Report Con

James H. Cone's The Spirituals and the Blues The book, The Spirituals and the Blues, by James H. Cone, illustrates how the slave spirituals and the blues reflected the struggle for black survival under the harsh reality of slavery and segregation. The spirituals are historical songs which speak out about the rupture of black lives in a religious sense, telling us about people in a land of bondage, and what they did to stay united and somehow fight back. The blues are somewhat different from in the spirituals in that they depict the secular aspect of black life during times of oppression and the capacity to survive. James H. Cone’s portrayal of how the spirituals and the blues aided blacks through times of hardship and adversity has very few flaws and informs the reader greatly about the importance of music in the lives of African-Americans. The author aims to both examine the spirituals and blues as cultural expressions of black people and to reflect on both the theological and sociological implications of these son gs. James H. Cone was born on August 5, 1938 in Fordyce, Arkansas. He attended three small colleges, including a theological seminary, before receiving his Masters and Ph.D. from the prestigious Northwestern University. Cone is married and has two children. He has held membership to many prominent boards and organizations including the National Committee of Black Churchman (member of board of directors), American Academy of Religion, Congress of African Peoples, and Black Methodists for Church Renewal. His career includes being a professor of religion and theology at Philander Smith College, Adrian College, and Union Theological Seminary, where he now teaches. James H. Cone is now an American clergyman and author. Cone achieved his greatest acclaim in 1969 with the ground-breaking book, Black Theology and Black Power. This book attracted a great deal of attention due to its defense of the black power movement from a Christian point of view. He has since written many theological works including Risks of Faith, where he provides vital insights into American realities and the possibilities for American theology. Cone has been the Charles A. Briggs Distinguished Professor of Systematic Theology at Union Theological Seminar in New York City since 1977. Cone’s The Spirituals and the Blues is split into two distinctive section... ...t and also talks about how blues could be classified as "a secular spiritual". His points can still be easily understood by the reader, but I feel that he nontheless contradicts himself while making these statements. Overall, I thought the book was very enlightening when it came to the point of revealing the central theme and foundation of these two distinct but also similar types of songs. The spirituals were built on a steadfast belief in God, while the blues ignored God and accepted the joys and sorrows of life. Although they were somewhat different, both partake of the same black experience in the United States. The spirituals and the blues both aided blacks through times of severe hardship and suffering. It was interesting to me to find out how even through oppression, blacks who were considered "believers" and those who were considered "non-believers" remained faithful to the fact that one day, they would beat their oppressors and situation. I liked the book most when it came to the point of identifying that the spirituals and the blues are not songs of despair or defeated people, but represent one of the greatest triumphs of a peoples in the history of the world.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Gatsby Dialect Journal Essay

Excerpt:â€Å"Wilson’s glazed eyes turned out to the ash heaps, where small gray clouds took on fantastic shapes and scurried here and there in a faint dawn wind. ‘I spoke to her,’ he muttered, after a long silence. ‘I told her she might fool me but she couldn’t fool God. I took her to the window’—with an effort he got up and walked to the rear window and leaned with his face pressed against it—‘and I said ‘God knows what you’ve been doing, everything you’ve been doing. You may fool me, but you can’t fool God!’† Standing behind him, Michaelis saw with a shock that he was looking at the eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg, which had just emerged, pale and enormous, from the dissolving night. ‘God sees everything,’ repeated Wilson. ‘That’s an advertisement,’ Michaelis assured him. Something made him run away from the window and look back into the room. But Wil son stood there a long time, his face close to the window pane, nodding into the twilight.† Narrator, The Great Gatsby, chapter 8, p. 159-160: As, Wilson is reflecting back on his wife’s tragic death and as he reminences when she was alive. He is speaking to Michaelis, but mostly out loud, looking through the window at the eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg. Commentary 1. Fitzgerald’s use of imagery in this passage helps to form a gripping mood. 2. At this time, Nick is telling the story through Wilson’s eyes soon after his wife’s passing. This indicates to the reader that the mood has switched from a positive and honest one to both serious and a bit incensed. Fitzgerald effectively uses imagery by mentioning the â€Å"ashheaps,† â€Å"gray clouds,† and â€Å"dissolving light† to create an eerie feeling in the atmosphere and his surroundings. The overall mood is depicted through Wilson’s words and attitude, that creates the image; â€Å"glazed eyes† and the phrase ,â€Å"You may fool me, but you can’t fool God!†. Wilson’s behavior and language suggest that he is emotional and scarred by Myrtle’s death, creating a depressing and empty mood. 3. In the later part of the passage the eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg appear once again and in the midst of despair. At once, Wilson seems to have become hypnotized by the image. He is drawn to the â€Å"..pale and enormous..† advertisement outside his window, and he repeats, â€Å"God sees everything†. At this point the reader can distinguish that the eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg become more than an illustration. The eyes now stand for those of God. They have transformed and now represent an all-seeing and understanding pair that witnessed not only the death of his wife Myrtle and her killer, but also the unfaithful and deceptive actions that have occurred. 4. Through the author’s word choice and depictive images, he creates an overall all-knowing feel. This nature of a peculiar sense supports the theme that God knows everything and hiding things is near impossible.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Hypotheses Regarding Stonehenge Architecture Essay

Stonehenge is a set of earthworks and an ancient memorial located in Wiltshire, England. It is considered the most celebrated and visited site in the universe and is one of the enigmas in the universe which has ne'er been revealed. However, many people have created legion myths and fabrications to explicate enigmas behind it. Despite the legion myths and fabrications, there has been limited information sing Stonehenge ‘s creation/development. Most research workers and theoreticians refer to it as a rock memorial, a elephantine or ancient megalith. Archeologist Mike Parker Pearson has proposed a figure of hypothesis sing Stonehenge and its surrounding. He indicated that Stonehenge was used as a burial land from historical beginnings. In other words, Stonehenge represented a topographic point of the dead. The cremated remains found at the site acted as grounds and they indicated that entombments took topographic point at the site every bit early as 3000 BC ( Gargen 112 ) . Mike Pearson farther indicated that the arrangement of artefacts and Gravess around Stonehenge provided good grounds that the site was reserved as a sphere of the dead. New carbon 14 day of the months of human remains dug from the ancient Stonehenge in Southwest England indicate that the memorial was used as a graveyard. Initially, archaeologists had believed that Stonehenge had acted as burial evidences every bit early as 2700 and 2600 BC ( Gargen 114 ) . Peoples buried at Stonehenge were believed to hold been the elite of the environing society ; an early royal British dynasty. This hypothesis appears to be scientific due to the grounds provided by new wireless C day of the months of homo remains found in the memorial. Parker Pearson besides held the hypotheses that Stonehenge was a Centre for ascendant worship that was connected by River Avon and two other ceremonial avenues to a duplicate wooden circle near Durrington Walls. The ground as to why he held the hypotheses is due to the big colonies of houses found nearby Stonehenge. This reinforced his belief that both the colony and Stonehenge created a portion of a big ancient ceremony composite. He went in front and indicated that the two circles with lasting and impermanent constructions made a clear representation of the life and the dead spheres severally. He besides pointed out that the orientation of the rock circle pointed to sunrise and sunset on cardinal seasonal day of the months which clearly indicated it was a topographic point of ceremonial. On his hypotheses, Mike Pearson stated that Stonehenge was non a memorial in isolation ; instead it was really one of a brace connoting that it was made of both rock and lumber. The theory behind this is that Stonehenge is a type of spirit place to the ascendants. This hypothesis appears to be pseudo-scientific since there is no scientific grounds behind it.MentionGargen, Josphath. Theories behind Stonehenge. 2nd erectile dysfunction. New York: New York Press, 2003.Your NameANTH 160 – Section 02SJSU – Fall 2009Teacher:Robert Simpkins11/24/092 B )Describe the basic cultural characteristics and development of the Mound edifice Cultures of Eastern North America ( and particularly separating between the Woodland and Mississippian Cultures ) , and explain why they were attributed to a ‘lost race ‘ by 19th century bookmans. It is believed that mold builders were greatly involved in edifice of Earth plants every bit good as hills. The ceremonial and burial constructions were characteristically level topped pyramids or level topped cones and at some times a assortment of other signifiers. Some hills took after unusual forms such as the study of cosmologically important animate beings and were branded effigy hills name. Monk ‘s hill is one of the best known level topped pyramidal earthen ware at Cahokia, while Serpent hill found in southern Ohio is 5 pess tall, 1330 pess long and 20 pess broad takes the form of a snake ( Ian 86 ) . The hill builders included legion different tribal groups and chiefdoms that held unto a perplexing aggregation of beliefs and sole civilizations which were united together by the shared architectural pattern of hill building. The initial mold edifice was an early marker of merely get downing political and societal complexness among the civilizations in the Eastern United States. Woodlands civilization: a prehistoric civilization of eastern North America dates back in the first century. It is used to mention to Native American societies remaining in eastern United States. Adena and Hopewell were the earliest forest groups who inhabited Mississippi river vales and Ohio between 800 BC and 800 AD. Adena and Hopewell are normally known for their monolithic entombment hills, frequently modified with finely crafted sedate points. Initially, Adena were huntsmans and gatherers while Hopewell lived in small towns. The Mississippian civilization was developed around 700 A.D. It was developed by a population of husbandmans who practiced agricultural agriculture and deep-rooted harvests such as maizes, beans and squash. They besides engaged in a twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours runing. Mississippian civilization was ab initio a hill edifice Native American civilization. However, from about 800 CE to 1500 CE, it greatly flourished in what is normally known as Eastern, Midwestern and Southeastern United States ( Ian 76 ) . Mississippian civilization is considered different from the forest civilization on the footing that the Mississippian hills appear to be rectangular or square, big, level topped, mesa like platforms on which temples or houses were built. On the other manus, the forest hills are conelike, earthen constructions covering entombments in which wonderfully carved stone pipes and isinglass cutouts that are found along with skeletal remains. In add-on, burial hills were dominant during the forest period ( 100 B.C. to 400 A.D. ) , while temple hills predominated during the Mississippian period ( 1000 AD ) . Both Mississippian and forest civilizations were attributed to as a ‘lost race ‘ by the nineteenth century bookmans due to the fact that the new euro-American colonists were non willing to accept the fact that the hills had been built by the Native American Peoples. They were hence displacing and destructing most of the hills so as to plough away grounds. Consequently, the civilizations came along as a lost race in America.MentionIan, Bridgeston. The Mould Building Cultures. California: Anvil Press, 2000.Your NameANTH 160 – Section 02SJSU – Fall 2009Teacher:Robert Simpkins11/24/093B )Describe the history of Easter Island as it has been reconstructed by archeologists ; is this history a utile metaphor for the Earth? Is it similar or different from what happened in to other civilisations, and what can be learned from analyzing it? Easter Island, besides known as Rapa Nui is one of the universes celebrated but least visited archaeological sites located in the Pacific Ocean. The island is largely celebrated due to its 887 bing monumental statues( moai )which were created by Rapanui people. It is a bantam, presently treeless, hilly Island of volcanic nature ; lifting over 10,00ft from the floor of Pacific Ocean. Peterson ( 23 ) , states that Easter Island is among the youngest inhabited districts in the universe, and a larger portion of its history is that it was one of the most stray inhabited district. Easter Island was discovered three hundred old ages ago by European adventurers amidst the big infinite in South Pacific Ocean. Dutch adventurer, Jacob Roggeveen rediscovered it on Easter twenty-four hours in 1722, therefore the acquisition of its name ; Easter Island. During that clip, the Island was inhabited by a public of Polynesian beginning who had arrived from Marquesas Islands many centuries earlier. This has been proven by the Deoxyribonucleic acid extracts that were collected from the location. It is besides believed that the dwellers had come in with assorted workss, nutrients, tools and animate beings such as bananas, Sweet murphies, sugar cane, hogs, and poulets among others so as to get down a new life. Archeologists hold that there were three civilizations which lived on Easter Island around 400 AD. During this clip, the island was inhabited by people who specialized in doing little rock statues. After some clip, another civilisation broke down the statues and greatly used them to build long temple platforms known as ahus. They besides carved 600 plus tremendous rock flops taking the signifier of human existences and placed them on the ahus. It is believed that about 15 statues are still held by some ahus. Archaeological grounds indicates a fast devastation of the woods within a few centuries after the reaching of human existences. This played a major function in the decrease of woods and plantation in the island. The society played a function in the decrease of woods and plantations since they cleared land to works grasses, cut down trees to build canoes, they had besides come in with rats which devoured the seeds. By the terminal of 15th century, the full wood had disappeared, the fruits had died out and tree species were nonextant. The extinction of the animate beings in the Island was every bit thorough as that of the forest. All species of native land birds became nonextant and the shellfish were exploited. This led to the prostration of Easter Island ‘s society. The history of Easter Island is a utile metaphor of the planet Earth. The lesson obtained from Easter Island was that inequality and scarceness of important resources played a great function in happening of race murder. Consequently, a societal prostration of the society life in the island took topographic point. David ( 43 ) , states that during the seventh century, around 50 people arrived on Easter Island and increased to more than 70,000 by seventeenth century.MentionDavid, Myer. The history of Easter Island. 3rd erectile dysfunction. Cambridge: Cambridge Press.Your NameANTH 160 – Section 02SJSU – Fall 2009Teacher:Robert Simpkins11/24/094 ) Stonehenge as an ancient Centre of mendingThis appears to be an interesting subject since Stonehenge is normally known as a burial site among the archaeologists. However, Tim Darvil and Geoff Wainwright have come up with the grounds that the memorial acted as a Centre of mending. Margaret ( 57 ) , states that monolithic Numberss of Britons flocked at the sight with the purpose of bring arounding their diseases and mending present hurts. Many dwellers believed that the rock found at the site had charming and mending qualities which greatly attracted legion pilgrims to the site. A adult male ‘s Remains at about five stat mis from Stonehenge were discovered by the two archaeologists. The remains collected indicated that the adult male had a knee cap infection and a terrible tooth eruption. This was hence used as strong grounds by the two archaeologists and they came up with the theory that the adult male may hold died on his manner to the mending evidences ( Stonehenge ) . In add-on, a skeleton analysis which was found three stat mis from the memorial indicated that the adult male had travelled a long distance and was enduring from a potentially deathly dental disease. It was hence concluded that he had travelled that long distance as a manner of seeking for the rocks associated with the mending power. Most archaeologists remain inexorable that the site and the environing country were majorly used as a burial land. To endorse their healing hypothesis, Darvill and Wainwright studied the bluish rocks found at the site and which were believed to hold been at that place since 2400 BC and 2200 BC. Having studied 14 samples of organic stuff such as the bone in the trench and carbonized works remains, they indicated that it was good grounds that the evidences provided first-class mending evidences to the community. The blue rock survey undermines the chief theory suggested by Mike Parker Pearson that the memorial acted chiefly as burial evidences and hereditary site where people held ceremonials and offered forfeits to the ascendants. Other important finds from the excavation have been made at the memorial. A series of little rocks broken down from the larger standing 1s were discovered and the archaeologists believed that the rocks were used as lucky appeals. This provided the grounds that the ancient people believed in the healing belongingss of the rocks. The archaeologists besides believed that the bluish rocks had legion healing belongingss since there were a figure of sacred springs in Preseli which were considered to hold wellness giving qualities. The two archaeologists besides quoted the twelfth century Monk indicating that the rocks were thought to hold medicative belongings. The grounds uncovered by their digs portrayed that people were come offing and traveling off pieces of the bluestones through the Roman epoch through the in-between ages. In relation to the finds made refering Stonehenge, it can be concluded that Stonehenge is a popular and powerful topographic point of pilgrim's journey. However, there is no support that the memorial ‘s mending power truly worked.MentionsMargaret, Katherine. The enigma behind Stonehenge. Harvard: Harvard Press, 2002.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Consciousness Ambiguous

Is ‘Consciousness’ Ambiguous? (appears in Journal of Consciousness Studies 8(2), 2001, 19-44) Abstract: It is widely assumed that ‘consciousness’ (and its cognates) is multiply ambiguous within the consciousness literature. Some alleged senses of the term are access consciousness, phenomenal consciousness, state consciousness, creature consciousness, introspective consciousness, self consciousness, to name a few. In the paper I argue for two points. First, there are few if any good reasons for thinking that such alleged senses are genuine: ‘consciousness’ is best viewed as univocal within the literature. The second point is that researchers would do best to avoid the semantics of ‘consciousness’, since resorting to â€Å"semantic ascent† typically serves no clear purpose in the case of consciousness, and confuses matters more than anything else. †¦if we always insisted on precise definitions we all would be speechless almost all the time. Definitions and precise theoretical constructs are the final product, not the starting point of inquiry. - Lawrence Weiskrantz (1988, p. 183) Introduction As anyone acquainted with the consciousness literature well knows, it is common for works on consciousness to contain- usually somewhere near the start- a discussion of the semantics of the word ‘consciousness’ (and its cognates: ‘conscious’, ‘consciously’, etc.). And in spite of there being little widespread agreement among researchers on most matters falling within the domain of consciousness studies, when it comes to ‘consciousness’ it is virtually universally agreed is that the term is multiply ambiguous. The idea, moreover, is not merely that lay people use the term with various meanings, or that they use it differently from how researchers do, or that the term has had different meanings throughout its history. It is that researchers themselves currently use t... Free Essays on Consciousness Ambiguous Free Essays on Consciousness Ambiguous Is ‘Consciousness’ Ambiguous? (appears in Journal of Consciousness Studies 8(2), 2001, 19-44) Abstract: It is widely assumed that ‘consciousness’ (and its cognates) is multiply ambiguous within the consciousness literature. Some alleged senses of the term are access consciousness, phenomenal consciousness, state consciousness, creature consciousness, introspective consciousness, self consciousness, to name a few. In the paper I argue for two points. First, there are few if any good reasons for thinking that such alleged senses are genuine: ‘consciousness’ is best viewed as univocal within the literature. The second point is that researchers would do best to avoid the semantics of ‘consciousness’, since resorting to â€Å"semantic ascent† typically serves no clear purpose in the case of consciousness, and confuses matters more than anything else. †¦if we always insisted on precise definitions we all would be speechless almost all the time. Definitions and precise theoretical constructs are the final product, not the starting point of inquiry. - Lawrence Weiskrantz (1988, p. 183) Introduction As anyone acquainted with the consciousness literature well knows, it is common for works on consciousness to contain- usually somewhere near the start- a discussion of the semantics of the word ‘consciousness’ (and its cognates: ‘conscious’, ‘consciously’, etc.). And in spite of there being little widespread agreement among researchers on most matters falling within the domain of consciousness studies, when it comes to ‘consciousness’ it is virtually universally agreed is that the term is multiply ambiguous. The idea, moreover, is not merely that lay people use the term with various meanings, or that they use it differently from how researchers do, or that the term has had different meanings throughout its history. It is that researchers themselves currently use t...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Book of Hours - Illuminated Prayer Book for the Wealthy

Book of Hours - Illuminated Prayer Book for the Wealthy A book of hours was a prayer book containing appropriate prayers for specific hours of the day, days of the week, months, and seasons. Books of hours were usually beautifully illuminated, and some of the more notable ones are among the finest works of medieval art in existence. Origin and history   Initially, books of hours were produced by scribes in monasteries for use by their fellow monks. Monastics divided their day into eight segments, or hours, of prayer: Matins, Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, Nones, Compline, and Vespers. A monk would set a book of hours on a lectern or table and read from it aloud at each of these hours; the books were therefore fairly large in format. The earliest known monastic books of hours were created in the 13th century. By the 14th century, smaller, portable books of hours with less complex liturgical systems were being produced for use by individuals. By the 15th century, these lay books of hours were so popular they outnumbered all other types of illuminated manuscript. Because the artwork was so splendid, books of hours were too expensive for all but the wealthiest of patrons: royalty, nobility, and occasionally very wealthy merchants or artisans. Contents Books of hours would vary according to the preferences of their owners, but they always began with a liturgical calendar; that is, a list of feast days in chronological order, as well as a method of calculating the date of Easter. Some included a multi-year almanac. Often books of hours included the seven Penitential Psalms, as well as any of a wide variety of other prayers devoted to favorite saints or personal issues. Frequently, books of hours featured a cycle of prayers dedicated to the Virgin Mary. illustrations Each section of prayers was accompanied by an illustration to help the reader meditate on the subject. Most often, these illustrations depicted biblical scenes or saints, but sometimes simple scenes from rural life or displays of royal splendor were included, as were the occasional portraits of the patrons who ordered the books. Calendar pages often depicted signs of the Zodiac. It wasnt uncommon for the owners coat of arms to be incorporated, as well. Pages that were largely text were often framed with or highlighted by foliage or symbolic motifs. The illustrations of books of hours and other manuscripts are sometimes called miniatures. This is not because the pictures are small; in fact, some could take up the entire page of an oversized book. Rather, the word miniature has its origins in the Latin miniare, to rubricate or to illuminate, and thus refers to written pages, or manuscripts. Production   Monastic books of hours were produced, as were most other illuminated manuscripts, by monks in a scriptorium. However, when books of hours became popular among the laity, a system of professional publication evolved. Scribes would write the text in one place, artists would paint the illustrations in another, and the two products were put together in a bookbinders hall. When a patron ordered a book of hours to be made, he could select his favorite prayers and subjects for illustration. In the later middle ages, it was also possible to purchase a pre-produced, generic book of hours in a stationers shop. Materials   Books of hours, like other medieval manuscripts, were written on parchment (sheepskin) or vellum (calfskin), specially treated to receive ink and paint. The writing surface was invariably lined to help the scribe write neatly and evenly; this was usually done by an assistant. By the time books of hours became popular, the inks used in manuscripts were almost always iron gall ink, made from the gallnuts on oak trees where wasp larvae were laid. This could be tinted different colors through the use of various minerals. Ink was applied with a quill pen a feather, cut to a sharp point and dipped in a jar of ink. A wide variety of minerals, plants, and chemicals were used to tint paints for the illustrations. The color sources were mixed with arabic or tragacinth gum as a binding agent. The most vivid and expensive mineral used in paint was Lapis Lazuli, a blue gemstone with gold flecks which in the Middle Ages was found only in present-day Afghanistan. Gold and silver leaf were also used to marvelous effect. The brilliant use of the precious metals achieved gave illumination its name. Significance to Medieval Art Books of hours offered artists the opportunity to display their skill to the best of their abilities. Depending on the wealth of the patron, the finest materials were used in order to achieve the richest and most vivid colors. Over the centuries of the book formats popularity, art style evolved into a more natural, vibrant form, and the structure of the illuminated page changed to allow more expression on the part of the illuminators. Now known as Gothic illumination, the works produced in the 13th through 15th centuries by clerical and secular artists alike would influence other art styles, such as stained glass, as well as the art that would follow in the Renaissance movements. Notable Book of Hours By far the most famous and splendid Book of Hours ever produced is Les Trà ¨s Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, produced in the 15th century.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

List of countries for Obscure Country Project Research Paper - 1

List of countries for Obscure Country Project - Research Paper Example It has some great geographical sites spread all over the region which might prove to be of interest to the tourists. The Northern areas of Pakistan consist of mountains with snow which range over from 1000 to more than 8000 metres. There are a total 14 over 8000 metre peaks in the world and 4 of these peaks are located within Pakistan. These peaks are K-2, Broad Peak, Gasherbum and Nanga Parbat. Moreover the northern regions also have the widespread glaciers which are usually found in the Polar regions of the world (PTDC 2011; CIA 2011). The state of Pakistan is divided into five provinces namely Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and North West Frontier Province. The climate of Pakistan is not of concern to people as it is mostly hot in the regions of Sindh, Balochistan and Punjab. Because of the desert conditions in Sindh and Balochistan the temperature is dry and arid. On the other hand the northern region of north West Frontier Province is cold on the peaks. But here also it can be said that the climate is suitable for people visiting the country. Catastrophes which have to be feared in the region of Pakistan are related to the seismic plates. Earthquakes and floods are common in certain regions. A major flood hit Pakistan in the months of July and August in 2010. Other than that the country does not face from any other problem of catastrophes with the weather (CIA 2011; PTDC 2011). Points of Tourism Pakistan has different spots for tourism and these relate to different adventures. The mountainous areas pertain to these different spots. The Karakoram, Silk Route, and other glaciers are sights which are worth seeing because of their natural significance. The beauty of these regions can be witnessed in the natural resources found in these regions. Moreover the country has different parks, rivers, forests and plains which are worth seeing. All these sites have their own significance as they relate to something important in Pakistan. Birds of different species can be f ound in the forests and blind dolphins can be found in the Arabian Sea which are famous all over the world for their beauty. Ayubia National Park is one of the most famous parks in Pakistan and is worth a visit. The religions practiced in the region of Pakistan are also worth a visit by the ones who are interested in religious tourism. Forts can also be found in different cities of Pakistan which clearly shows the importance of historical tourism in Pakistan. Similarly the remains of old civilizations of Gandhara can also be found in this region (PTDC 2011). Goods, Services and Native Plants and Animals The goods and services in country relate to different methods. People belonging to lower class are seen to be working in industries and agriculture. Textile industries are the most useful for the country as they help the country to increase their exports. Moreover the agricultural industry is booming within the country as many of the people feed their family on it in Pakistan (CIA 20 11). Alpine, coniferous and subalpine trees are found in the northern regions of Pakistan. Shisham is a type of tree found in the Salt Ranges of Pakistan and scrub plants along with dwarf palm are found in the province of Balochistan. Thorn trees are found in the hotter regions of Pakistan as they can survive a higher temperature. Mangrove forests are also

Friday, November 1, 2019

By studying the particular situation in somalia,illustrate how poverty Essay

By studying the particular situation in somalia,illustrate how poverty links with conflict and vice versa ,and suggest ways in w - Essay Example This led to a period when the country underwent a form of decentralization as independent regional governments were formed in the North by different groups (Thomashausen, 2002). The Civil War of 1986 The war against the ruling Somali government began near the end of the 1970s when the then socialist government began seeking out individuals suspected of taking part in the attempted coup d'etat of 1978 and executing them. Though the government captured many of these individuals who were military and government officials, a number of them managed to escape and flee the country (Degu, 2007). These ex officials began to form the first dissident groups that were determined to see Major General Mohamed Siad Barre, the leader of the government removed from power even if it meant the use of force. The demise of the ruling government and its army was the source of a power vacuum that was left as a result, and the main cause for the civil war that ensued thereafter as the different factions tha t had fought together to oust the Major general now fought with one another as each tried to assume control of essential regions most notably, the country’s capital (Thomashausen, 2002). ... Background of the Civil War In the year 1992, the United Nations decided to become involved in the civil war through helping those who were affected by it via providing human relief to those who were affected as well as help restore order in the country. One of the ways in which the UN strived to achieve these objectives was through operation restore hope that was handled by the 10th Mountain Division. The aim of this operation was to secure the major cities as well as access roads so to ensure that the UN were able to have safe passage to these areas to provide relief aid to thousands of innocent people who were suffering as a result of the civil war (Degu, 2007). These were individuals not involved in the fighting that was taking place, but became causalities of either way as they lost their homes and their possessions after they were forced to flee to safeguard their lives. Operation restore hope provided a safe haven for innocent Somali people who has nowhere to go and were looki ng for protection as well as help and served to give them hope for a promising future thus the reasoning behind its name (Thomashausen, 2002). Effects of the Conflict on the Country The civil war in Somalia led to a number of effects that resulted in the deterioration of the country due to the conflicts past and present that have taken place in the region. This is no surprise as no country can experience a war whether civil or with external forces and come out of it unaffected. With regard to Somalia, the effects are worse as the conflict that is taking place has been ongoing since the early 1990s to date meaning the country has not been given any time to recover from the repercussions